Medicine is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
To give hope, to save people’s lives, to cure refractory diseases and fight epidemics. At all times and in all nations, the medical profession has been and remains held in high respect, being at the same time an extremely responsible profession. Medical specialists who study abroad have always been highly valued in their native countries, because such a doctor knows not only the medical achievements of his own country, but also brings in the knowledge, skills, and advanced solutions of researchers from other countries.
When a prospective doctor chooses a country to study medicine in, he or she invariably considers the following three major criteria: today’s medical achievements of that country, the depth of its medical history, and the cost of education in that country. In this respect, Ukrainian medical education is among the world’s best because here the student has access to the latest achievements in modern medicine, is free to join work in the most advanced areas of medical research, and studies in a country that has a centuries-old tradition of raising medical doctors and strong research schools. In addition, the cost of education in Ukraine is significantly below the level of other countries.
Regarding the contemporary state of Ukraine’s medical research, the latter can be described as very powerful and having extensive development potential. At major global medical forums, Ukrainian specialists are known to report their latest achievements on a regular basis. And their ideas receive a welcoming response and recognition from researchers from other countries.
Universities offering General Medicine in Ukraine

Cherkasy National University
The Medical Institute of Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy is known nationally for its many innovative teaching, clinical training and research programs. Our award-winning faculty members constantly strive for innovation and excellence in the classroom, the laboratory and the clinic. Except for the fact that instructions, labs, lectures and examinations are conducted in English, the curriculum of the six-year medical studies in English is completely identical with the coursework pursued by Ukrainian medical students. The theoretical training of the course of studies is conducted by obligatory, optional and facultative disciplines, in form of lectures, seminars, practical exercise and self-training. The practical training of the course of studies is conducted by practical studies during the semester training, training practices and pre-graduation internship. The theoretical and practical training in the program is in compliance with the ECTS system.
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Uzhhorod National University
Uzhhorod National University is the state’s higher education institute which is recognized as the classic medical school in Ukraine. The University persists its place under top 10 medical universities of Ukraine.

Lviv National Medical University
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University is one of the oldest and biggest medical educational institutions in Ukraine. It is one of the leading medical universities of the IV level of accreditation.

Vinnitsia National Medical University
The University is one of the highest among the educational institutions of Ukraine the level of provision of teachers with academic degrees and titles. Almost one in six university professor - Doctor of Science, Professor.
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